Saturday, November 29, 2008


Surprises were never your part...!!
Nor my kisses,
Nor my soul, nor my heart..
Nor my arms around you tight,
Which used to feel so right.
Then I shut my eyes so tight..
And then I try to remember what it was like.

But I don’t seem to retrieve anything..
Now all of that seems soo bleak..
All of a sudden I feel so weak..
It shudders me down to core..
And then I open my eyes and realise..
You were never meant to be the one by my side..

And I glance aside and smile !!
It was him who was supposed to be..
Because everything feels so right...
His arms around me tight...
His kisses fill my soul
And everything feels so right..
I feel like whole world is mine..!!

All I Wanted Was A Hug

All I wanted was a hug that time..
And those two reassuring lines..
That give it some time..
And everything will be fine...

But all I got was that same old stare...
That get a life and why are you still up soo late..

I wantd to shout it out on your face
That can't you see I am in pain...
But you dint even make a move...

Nothing happened and I walked out of the room...!!


Sometimes I ask myself Why...
But I can never answer the question (why ??)

The question that why do I try so hard
Even when I know you are so far
The question that why cant I reach you
Even when I know where you'd be
The question that why do I seem to care
Even when I know you don't need me
The question that why do I feel the need
Even when I know you dont seem to see

And that is when I close my eyes so tight..
And then I realise no matter how many questions I ask myself
I will never stop trying...!!!

A Moth To The Flame

The feeling over-powered her...
The feeling of being wanted...!!
Being wanted for what she Is...
Was what she had wanted...!!
She didn't realise that this want
Made her a Moth to the Flame
And so she Danced to the flame
To be noticed..!

To be wanted..!

Being wanted was what she got
But not in the way she wanted !!!
Indeed she was being a moth to the flame
The flame consumed her !!!
And she didn't realise this.....
Until it was to late to turn back.....
Until and unless people didn't want her back anymore..!
Not the way she was being wanted !
Nor the way she wanted them to want her !

So in the end she was...
Just another Moth..
Which dances to the Flame
And Dies in the Flame of being Wanted....!!